As one of the organisers for Wordcamp NZ I’m very interested in what happens at other wordcamps around the world. They are community based events organised around WordPress users of all shapes and dimensions globally.
Next week I’ll write about WordPress themes but today a good place to look at is the roadmap and a bit of history from the key WordPress founder.
“At WordCamps Matt Mullenweg attends he gives an update on the roadmap for WordPress including some updates on where the platform is now and generally providing a deeper context for users and developers alike.”
Here is the video (57m) from recent SAF WordCamp which had 700 attendees and is probably the biggest wordcamp so far in the 6 year old history of WordPress.
Description: Matt Mullenweg delivers his State of the Word presentation at WordCamp San Francisco 2009
Video shot & produced by Dave Curlee & John P. Post-production by Michael Pick.
WordCamp Location
San Francisco 2009
WordCamp Dallas in this coming weekend and I’ll be following as best as I can from here some of the discussions via twitter and other blogs from that event.
WordCamp UK is in July and we have WordCamp New Zealand on August 8th which is about 42 days time if my math is correct. Hope to see you all there.
See the Wordcamp Schedule for others