If you have an email marketing campaign or campaigns that we are working on for you – this is where you can login and manage that process. We work with Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp which covers most use cases.
Here is your login to view campaign reports for your recent email marketing campaign. Please have your user name and password ready. Both ID’s are case sensitive.
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Online Reports for Email CampaignsThe campaign snapshot lets you easily measure the results of the campaign from a single page.
Find out how many recipients opened your email, clicked a link, unsubscribed, forwarded your email to a friend and loads more.
For example here are two of the very useful benefits described in more detail below.
Recipient Activity
Our recipient activity report lets you get down to some serious detail on your campaign. You can very easily see who opened, who clicked, who bounced and who unsubscribed.
You can even search for a specific subscriber to see exactly what they did with your email. Every detail is measured and available.
Link Activity
The Link Activity Report makes it easy to guage what your subscribers are interested in. Not only can you see the total number of clicks for every link in your email, you can also find out who clicked that link, when they clicked it and how many times.
One of the frustrations with many marketing activities is that it can be very hard to tell what is working, and what is just costing money. When you conduct email marketing with us you can see very quickly what is working, and what is not. We can tune by segments and get better each time.
Ask us to show you some some real reporting. If something isn’t working, we’ll find out and be able to tweak it immediately, at low cost. This is a potentially huge saver of time and money.
Ask for a guided tour and a no obligation chat over coffee contact us now.