Deepening the Debate

Deepening the Debate

Two years and 5 days ago I started this blog to be able to store up a bit of a reference library of ideas and experiences for customers, friends and myself. It has snowballed to be much more than that. Thanks to the readers in the US, Australia, NZ and UK especially...

John Ralston Saul in Wellington

I see that John Ralston Saul is in Wellington for a couple of days this week. I’d love to be there* to hear what he has to say to our local Government Managers and the Wellington City Council.  Saul’s books are some of the best and most important...

Uses, not innovations, drive technology

The other day my daughter (just turned 6) said that she wanted to be a scientist because she liked mixing things up and watching the colours change. That comment reminded me of the time she turned almost half the kitchen blue playing with blue food colouring. Cool! I...